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Best of Jarrid Wilson Quotes & Tweets

Jarrid Wilson, you are greatly missed.

My heart is heavy as I write this. Hearing the reality that Jarrid is gone is so hard to wrap my mind around and put into words. This was a man I've looked up to for years and I read his tweets over and over again. He always had a way with breaking complex issues down and stating them with such succinct conviction. What people loved about Jarrid — what I loved about Jarrid — was his genuine passion for broken people and his openness to share his own struggles in life.

So, in honor of Jarrid Wilson and the legacy that he's left behind, I want to share this digital portrait I drew, as well as this compilation of his tweets and quotes that I've found powerful, even life-changing.


“Stop telling people that suicide leads to hell. It’s bad theology and proof one doesn’t understand the basic psychology surrounding mental health issues. In closing, we must understand God hates suicide just as much as the next person. Why? Because it defies God’s yearning for the sanctity of life. But while suicide is not something God approves of, no mess is too messy for the grace of Jesus. This includes suicide.”



“Real faith believes God can, and expects that He will, but trusts Him even if He doesn't.” Jarrid Wilson

“If we aren't seeing eye to eye with God, there is a good chance His eyes aren't the ones closed.” Jarrid Wilson

“When it comes to loving people, let's not allow it to be something we do on the side. Let's make it a lifestyle. Whether we are at the gas station, picking up groceries, even waiting to get our car repaired, there is always an open opportunity to love someone in need.” Jarrid Wilson, Jesus Swagger: Break Free from Poser Christianity

“Martin Luther once said, “You cannot find a Christian who does not pray to God; just as you cannot find a living person without blood.” Jarrid Wilson, Jesus Swagger: Break Free from Poser Christianity

“Hate the sin, not the sinner" isn't working...I encourage you to instead "Love the sinner, not the sin." Remove the word hate from your vocabulary, and start reflecting an image of Jesus that portrays him differently than a man standing on a soapbox wielding a megaphone. I can't ever recall a person who came to faith because of hate. Let's start a movement of people who are willing to take hate out of the equation and love people regardless of their sins” Jarrid Wilson, Jesus Swagger: Break Free from Poser Christianity

“Your current situation and workplace are your personal mission field. Why? Because you can reach people a church can't. You're on the front lines!” Jarrid Wilson, Jesus Swagger: Break Free from Poser Christianity

“A believer twists the Bible to fit his or her lifestyle. A follower works to make his or her lifestyle resemble the teachings of the Bible.” Jarrid Wilson, Jesus Swagger: Break Free from Poser Christianity

“A believer knows about Jesus. A follower knows Jesus as his or her Lord and Savior.” Jarrid Wilson, Jesus Swagger: Break Free from Poser Christianity

“Evaluate every aspect of your life, and ask yourself, “Is there more I could be surrendering to God (time, money, gifts)?” Jarrid Wilson, 30 Words: A Devotional for the Rest of Us

“The way you walk, talk, and present yourself to others matters when it comes to your faith. Why? Because if you claim to be a Christian, then people are going to expect you to act like one. Simple. Your swagger truly matters. No matter how long or how briefly you’ve known Jesus as your Lord, you are held to a higher standard of accountability by those around you.” Jarrid Wilson, Jesus Swagger: Break Free from Poser Christianity

“God doesn’t lack in answer of prayers, we just lack in the art of true faith. #30WordsBook Jarrid Wilson, 30 Words: A Devotional for the Rest of Us

“The real issue isn’t whether our generation is wearing enough bedazzled cross T-shirts; it’s whether we are allowing the message of Jesus to root deeper than our wardrobe, blog posts, music playlists, tweets, and Facebook statuses. We’ve become a tribe of people who rank our faith in a measurement of likes, re-tweets, and memory verses. We need to up our game.” Jarrid Wilson, Jesus Swagger: Break Free from Poser Christianity

“Many of today’s Christians are focused on obtaining what they want instead of being content knowing God will provide for their needs.” Jarrid Wilson, 30 Words: A Devotional for the Rest of Us

“The reality is, we all want to walk on water, but none of us wants to step off the boat.” Jarrid Wilson, 30 Words: A Devotional for the Rest of Us

“Jesus didn’t die an extravagant death so that we could live mediocre and comfortable lives.” Jarrid Wilson, Jesus Swagger: Break Free from Poser Christianity

“We give time to the things we care about.” Jarrid Wilson, 30 Words: A Devotional for the Rest of Us

“Worry is down payment on a problem that hasn't happened. Trust Jesus!” Jarrid Wilson

“A habit as simple as arriving late or constantly procrastinating can show what you rank at the bottom of your scale of priorities—and also what you rank at the top. What do you hold as important and unimportant in this life? Just take a look at your habits. They will speak for themselves—and most likely, they will speak to others as well.” Jarrid Wilson

“Some habits are internal, more than external. They live in our thought processes, our attitudes and our outlook. And if these mental habits go unchecked, it can cause us to live in a state of mental compression because our habits are living our lives for us. But the truth is, mental health is the beginning of all habitual health problems. If a habit, such as envy, lust, comparison, discontent, takes root in your mind, that mental habit is eventually going to be given the reins to the rest of your health if not taken care of.” Jarrid Wilson

“There are many things about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit that we may never be able to fully understand, but that doesn’t mean we should stop believing or seeking to understand. If God was small enough to understand, he wouldn’t be big enough to call God.” Jarrid Wilson, Jesus Swagger: Break Free from Poser Christianity

“In a world of constant conformity, God has called us to be different (Romans 12:2), set apart (Jeremiah 1:5), walking tall with a righteous swagger, a Jesus swagger.” Jarrid Wilson, Jesus Swagger: Break Free from Poser Christianity

“Our mistakes no longer define who we are, but instead we are to find worth in the name of Jesus. But we are not called to take this gift and run, or to ignore God, but to pursue him and thank him for the liberation he has provided us.” Jarrid Wilson, Jesus Swagger: Break Free from Poser Christianity

“Habits don’t just happen overnight. If a habit takes 30 days to form, then those 30 days will tell you a lot about your commitments. Are you cutting down on your Starbucks habit so that you can read Scripture in the morning before work? Or are you routinely hitting snooze and falling off your exercise program 10 days in? We all have the same 24 hours in a day, and have to make choices about how we’re using our time. We make trade-offs based on what we deem most important at the time—for better or for worse.” Jarrid Wilson

“Your habits play a massive role in your sinful nature. Our habits are shaped by either a self-disciplined will, or a powerful felt need—and the latter can often pull us into habitual sin. If you really think about it, most sin is derived from a habit that has been formed over an extensive period of time, and then exposes itself when that habit yearns to be activated. On the other hand, forming habits of prayer and worship can also create virtuous habits that can counteract the destructive pull toward sin.” Jarrid Wilson

“we are all on different spiritual levels, but we are all called to be the change, and that’s one thing that won’t ever change.” Jarrid Wilson, 30 Words: A Devotional for the Rest of Us

“We’re a society of busy people—and there’s a multitude of fast food, drive-thru options just for our convenience.” Jarrid Wilson

“All throughout Scripture we see Jesus loving people whom others deemed foul, broken, dirty, and unworthy...People may criticize you for giving your time and attention to people who are ostracized or considered permanently broken. They may say it's not safe, that they're not worth your time, and that these people gave up the right to be treated well when they made their bad decision. They said that to Jesus too. But while many self-proclaimed followers of God sat back and criticized the openness of Jesus' love for people, he called them out for their lack of it: (Mark 2:14-15).” Jarrid Wilson

“the mission and purpose of the church was summed up into three words that I believe are the crux of our faith: Christ, cause, and community.” Jarrid Wilson, Jesus Swagger: Break Free from Poser Christianity

“God's love is oxygen for our souls, and as we breathe in the rhythm of His love, our lives will never be the same again.” Jarrid Wilson, Love Is Oxygen: How God Can Give You Life and Change Your World


In conclusion, I highly recommend listening to this sermon as well as reading the following blog: No Mess is Too Messy for Jesus, Including Suicide. If you or someone you know is struggling, you are not alone. There is hope and your life matters. Check out @anthemofhope for help and their 24/7 chat feature.


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